lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


Update: Nov. 25th. After the Thanksgiving eclipse new moon mania begins. 
Black Friday was sparked by a Sun-Moon in fiery, sensationalist Sagittarius along with Mercury in candid Sag. Retro. square Mars in critical Virgo for record breaking Black Friday mayhem. 
From a woman pepper spraying (pepper spray = Mars) Woman Injures 20 Shoppers Waiting For Black Friday Deals At Los Angeles Store to robberies at Target stores amid the insane masses. As this video describes Black Friday turned chaotic and confused 
The film below describes the Black Friday phenomenon which is getting worse every year. 

Yeah we are talking about survival with Venus void of course in Sagittarius till Nov. 26th
when the goddess of beauty and love changes sign into Capricorn. Venus Void of Course means bold, risk taking on an individual level. Impulsive decisions will prove troublesome after the event. 

Previous writings: 
Today Nov. 22nd as the Sun entered the domain of the Archer, Sagittarius you may have felt a 
cosmic kick start when shadows disappear and light begins to emerge thru the clouds. 

Yesterday, Nov. 25th, the new Moon passed in front of the sun, slightly off-center, producing a partial solar eclipse visible from Antarctica, Tasmania, and parts of South Africa and New Zealand. Mike Nicholson photographed the event about two minutes before sunset from Otaki Beach, NZ:

The bow has been pulled back and the arrows of truth are aimed at the heavens leading us to Thursday/Friday's 
New Moon Eclipse. The New Moon for the West Coast of North America occurs @ 10:10 AM PST 
and for the East Coast @ 1:10 AM EST. The Sun and Moon will be @ 3 degrees Sagittarius with the thoughtful Sabian Symbol: "Two men playing chess. "
The chart below is set for San Francisco, California @ 10:10 PM PST. 
Leo is rising with Mars the initiator intercepted in the first house .
Ruler of this chart, the Sun conjunct the Moon in Sagittarius and in the 4th house adding to the bold, boistrous nature of this placement (especially with Sun-Moon square Mars)
nature of this event. 

The partial solar eclipse for November 25th will have limited visibility. The lunar penumbra will be centered near Antarctica, while its outermost edge will pass over portions of New Zealand’s South Island, Tasmania, and the southernmost part of South Africa. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s shadow misses the earth but passes very close to it. 
The greatest eclipse occurs at 06:20:17 UT with a magnitude of 0.905 near the coast of Antarctica at latitude -68° 34.1’, longitude +82° 24’.

The Nov. 24th/25th partial solar eclipse along with the concluding total lunar eclipse on Dec. 10, 2011 @ 9:36:22 AM EST are both part of a family of eclipses known Saros Series 14 North. This Saros series began on April 29, 1074. Per B. Bradey in Predictive Astrology, this will mark a 
difficult time: 
"This is a most peculiar eclipse family, heralding an acute time in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters and potential illness. Unrequited love, confusion a draining of energy and a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made during this time as there is too much confusion and delusion. "

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